Book Stocker Goal: Make sure tables are full of the right categories of books ready for shoppers.

  • Keep the books organized on the tables.
  • Keep books stocked from the excess books under each table.
  • Facing the side of the table; books are positioned to be read from left to right down the table. All titles face the same direction for easy readability.
  • Keep the books organized under the table; spines facing up, following the title positioning above.
  • Put empty boxes against South Wall near the overhead doors.
  • When customers leave books along the walls; if you are sure the customer has indeed left, gather these and redirect to their proper category.
  • Please see your Quadrant Coach or volunteer supervisor for any special stocking requirements. (Mystery and Audio Visual especially)
  • Always remember to smile and say thank you to our customers!

Cashier Goal: Quickly and accurately add and charge customers for their books.

You will be either a counter or cashier forming a team at each table. There should always be two volunteers at each table. Counters will separate the books and other non-print items and help figure the total amount of each purchase.

Cashiers will tally the purchase using an adding machine and accept cash or check for the total amount, or call for a credit card volunteer by raising the Credit Card sign. Cashiers will also be responsible for providing the customer with a receipt.

  • Books are individually priced.
  • Prices are marked on the inside cover; you may need to flip back a few pages at the front of the book to see the price.
  • If a price cannot be found, hold up the help sign and the supervisor of the area will find out the price.
  • Members of the Friends of the Library may present a membership card to receive a discount. This card is only valid one time on the Saturday of the sale and one time on the Sunday of the sale. The card gives the holder 10% off their purchase.
    • To calculate the discount: Total Cost X .90 = New Total. For example: Total Cost of $25 x .90 = $22.50the new total.
    • If the final price is not a whole number and/or the ability to give precise coin change is a challenge, round the price DOWN to the nearest even amount so that the guest is able to complete their purchase and receive a discount so that the line keeps moving forward and the transaction is complete. 
    • Please use a sharpie to mark the appropriate box once the card is used.

Debit/Credit cards are accepted for purchases over $20. There is also an ATM in the main lobby.

At each table there will be signs for notification

  • Use the Help Sign when:
    • A customer needs help with a hand truck.
    • You need change in your cashbox.
    • You need a price check. If a price cannot be found, the supervisor of the area will find out the price.
    • You have a customer who is tax exempt or who has a purchase order. (There will be someone there to figure out the tax that is to be subtracted from the total.)
  • Use the Table Number Sign when:
    • The sales procedure is completed, hold up the table number sign so the next customer can be directed to your table.
  • Use the Credit Card Sign when:
    • When a customer has a credit/debit card purchase of $20 or more. (The customer can choose to donate to the Friends to reach the $20 limit.)

Please see your volunteer supervisor for any special cashier requirements.

Please smile and say thank you to our customers!

Cashier Goal: Quickly and accurately add and charge customers for their books.

You will be part of a team including a counter and a cashier at one table. There should always be two volunteers at each table.

Counters will separate the hardbacks, softbacks and other non-print items and count each category.

Cashiers will tally the purchase and accept cash or check for the amount, or call for a credit card volunteer by raising the credit card sign. Cashiers will also be responsible for providing the customer with a receipt.

  • Hardbacks are $1.00
  • Softbacks are $.50
  • Other items are as listed on the cost sheet at each table.
  • Members of the Friends of the Library may present a membership card to receive a discount. This card is only valid one time on the Saturday of the sale and one time on the Sunday of the sale. The card gives the holder 10% off their purchase.
    • To calculate the discount: Total Cost X .90 = New Total. For example: Total Cost of $25 x .90 = $22.50the new total.
    • If the final price is not a whole number and/or the ability to give precise coin change is a challenge, round the price DOWN to the nearest even amount so that the guest is able to complete their purchase and receive a discount so that the line keeps moving forward and the transaction is complete. 
    • Please use a sharpie to mark the appropriate box once the card is used.

Debit/Credit cards are accepted for purchases over $20. There is also an ATM in the main lobby.

At each table there will be signs for notification

  • Use the Help Sign when:
    • A customer needs help with a hand truck.
    • You need change in your cashbox.
    • You have a customer who is tax exempt or who has a purchase order. (There will be someone there to figure out the tax that is to be subtracted from the total.)
  • Use the Table Number Sign when:
    • The sales procedure is completed, hold up the table number sign so the next customer can be directed to your table.
  • Use the Credit Card Sign when:
    • When a customer has a credit/debit card purchase of $20 or more. (The customer can choose to donate to the Friends to reach the $20 limit.)

Please see your volunteer supervisor for any special cashier requirements.

Please smile and say thank you to our customers!

Goal: Help customers continue to shop by holding purchases until shopping is completed.

  • Customers bring filled containers of books to be held until they are ready to check out.
  • Give the customer a numbered tag in return for each container.
  • Place items in numbered slots corresponding to the tags given to the customer.
  • When customer is ready to check out, tag is surrendered by the customer and containers of books are then returned to customer.
  • Further instructions will be given on site.

Goal: Make sure tables are full of the right categories of books ready for shoppers.

Please see your Quad Coach/Volunteer Supervisor for any special set up requirements.

  • Organize books on the tables.
  • Place excess books under each table in the appropriate categories, spines facing up, following the title positioning below.
  • Facing the side of the table; books are positioned to be read from left to right down the table. All titles face the same direction for easy readability.
  • Put empty boxes against South Wall near the overhead doors.

The Friends of the Metropolitan Library Sort Site is currently closed.

The Sort Site will not be accepting donations at this time and will reopen on Monday, July 1.

For questions, please contact